Speech on Sexism in Politics Like You’ve Never Seen/Wish You Could Do


courtesy of Hulu

courtesy of Hulu

For those who have….you know what we’re talking about.  Haven’t watched it?  You Missed Out.  Why?

The epic political speech every woman in elected office wish she could make.  And wishes she didn’t need to make.

Sexism runs rampant at every stage of politics – from campaign interviews to debate on the floor and beyond.  Remember when Senator Barbara Boxer objected to NOT being called by her title which she shared with every other Senator on her committee?

It has happened to me in the Missouri State House more times than I can count on one hand.  Most blatantly, as the ranking Democrat on a House  Appropriations Committee, as the (male) State Attorney General was testifying, my committee chair (male) addressed me during questioning as, “Little Lady”.

Sexism at Full Force.  And it caught me off guard.  In retrospect, I should have unleashed Lisa Kudrow’s speech below.  But we women never know when it’s the right time to object, educate, protest or simple take on sexism when we experience it.  I paused.  And remained staring at the committee chair and did not speak, until he corrected himself.

Lisa Kudrow’s character taught me one thing.  I will not hesitate in the future, regardless of when or where the Sexism comes from.  Regardless of who might be uncomfortable in the room.

Imagine a world where we ALL – male and female alike – address Sexism exactly when we see it.  Not just on TV with make believe characters whose scripts are tightly controlled, but every day real life, especially under our Domes.


Lisa Kudrow totally brings it in seething speech on sexism in politics and media

Kudrow’s character in “Scandal” eviscerates the subtle and not-so-subtle sexism faced by women in politics

by Katie McDonough of Salon.com

Lisa Kudrow’s Sen. Josie Marcus is a pretend congresswoman running for pretend president on “Scandal,” but her evisceration of the sexist media and political spectacle that asks female politicians to walk an impossible line between being strong but not too assertive, feminine but not girlish, motherly but not soft, etc. ad infinitum is totally real.

“I know what prejudice looks like,” Marcus says in response to an interview question about whether or not she has the experience necessary to be president. “It’s not about experience, James. It’s about gender. Reston [Marcus’ opponent] is saying I don’t have the balls to be President, and he means that literally. It’s offensive. It’s offensive to me, and to all the women whose votes he’s asking for.”

“Are you saying that Governor Reston is sexist?” the interviewer asks her.

Yes. I am. And it’s not just Governor Reston speaking in code about gender. It’s everyone, yourself included. The only reason we’re doing this interview in my house is because you requested it. This was your idea. And yet here you are, thanking me for inviting me into my “lovely home.” That’s what you say to the neighbor lady who baked you chocolate chip cookies. This pitcher of iced tea isn’t even mine. It’s what your producers set here. Why? Same reason you called me a “real live Cinderella story.” It reminds people that I’m a woman without using the word.

For you it’s an angle, and I get that, and I’m sure you think it’s innocuous, but guess what? It’s not. Don’t interrupt me when I’m speaking. You’re promoting stereotypes, James. You’re advancing this idea that women are weaker than men. You’re playing right into the hands of Reston and into the hands of every other imbecile who thinks a woman isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief.

Watch it HERE.


Katie McDonough is an assistant editor for Salon, focusing on lifestyle. Follow her on Twitter @kmcdonovgh or email her at kmcdonough@salon.com.


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