MO Anti-Woman State Senator: Saving the Life of a Mother is “a matter of convenience”.

I don’t know what it’s in the water here in Missouri. 

After former Congressman Todd Akin’s comments: “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down”, you would think the GOP in Missouri would think twice before speaking out loud.

Our infamous sanity-challenged State Senator continues to make waves with his wild views – first on gun ownership, now on women’s reproductive decisions.  You must wonder how these legislators get elected in the first place.

If you ever want to come watch the Missouri legislature in action in Jefferson City, I’d love to have you as my guest.  Can you imagine what it’s like actually working with electeds like him?  Make sure you see his Facebook reply below…

The Huffington Post by Laura Bassett,  July 23, 2013 

courtesy of Planned

courtesy of Planned

After posting a picture of a large pistol on his Facebook page last week, Missouri state Senate Majority Whip Brian Nieves (R-Washington) engaged in a long exchange about abortion in the comment section, in which he said abortions to save the life of the mother are actually just “a matter of convenience.”

Nieves asked one of the commenters who was offended by the gun photo if he supports “partial-birth abortions” — a political term used to describe the “dilation and extraction” abortion procedure that is used rarely in the third trimester.

When the commenter replied that late-term abortions “are almost entirely due to complications in the third trimester that would effect the life of the mother,” Nieves replied, “Really? Didn’t you say you have an advanced degree? Your statement about ‘Life of the Mother’ is one of the most common yet kindergarten ways of proving that you don’t even know what a partial birth abortion is!!”

The commenter then listed some medical conditions that may develop late in the pregnancy and influence a woman’s decision to abort, including heart failure, severe or uncontrollable diabetes, serious renal disease, hypertension, and severe fetal deformities. He also included other reasons women may seek abortions later in a pregnancy, including an inability to afford an abortion in the first trimester and an inability to locate medical assistance.

To that, Nieves replied, “‘Life of the Mother?’ Your own argument proves it is a matter of convenience!”

Nieves is not the first Republican lawmaker to claim that women never need abortions to save their lives. Former U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) said last Octoberthat there should be no abortion exception for the “life of the mother” because “with modern technology and science, you can’t find one instance” in which a woman would actually die. “And as far as health of the mother, same thing,” Walsh continued.

Of course, there could be many medical reasons for a woman to need to terminate her pregnancy in order to protect her life or health, but the most common is an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies, or pregnancies that occur outside the uterus, are a life-threatening condition that occur in one in every 40 to one in every 100 pregnancies, according to the National Institutes of Health.



Sen. Nieves commented on the HuffPost’s story Tuesday on his Facebook page below:

” I recently had some of the most liberal of liberal media outlets pile on me over a public debate I had on my Face Book Page with a supposed Anglican Priest. I went ahead and re-posted the ENTIRE debate so that anybody who is interested in the truth could actually look at, and read, it for themselves. That was a wasted effort on my part because liberals place NO Value in the truth. Here are a few observations I’ve made about liberals and their media sources…. Please add any observations you’ve made:

1. Liberals will swallow, with out even reading the story in the liberal rag, what ever the “Headline” says! In other words, if the Bluffington Post or River Affront Times had a headline that said, “Missouri Senator claims pigs can whistle and cows can fly,” liberals would just swallow that without even reading the story – much less do any fact checking about the “story” at all. They are truly modern day lemmings!
2. Liberals are the most FOUL people on the planet! I promise you would blush if I showed you some of the base, and disgusting emails and tweets I get from these people! I served ten years active duty in the US Navy and never heard the level of vulgarity, profanity, and utterly disgusting language that spews out of these liberals.
3. Liberals literally accuse others of doing, or being, exactly what it is that they just did or what they are! This is the number one reason I suspect that truly hard core, almost militant, liberals suffer from a mental disorder. This is bizarre and almost scarey! They complain and scream about others doing the very thing they just got done doing! It’s as if they either don’t see it in themselves OR they think they are above others and that makes it OK for them but not anybody else. Truly weird.

Anyway, I could go on and on and on but won’t. What are your thoughts & comments? I really do want to hear what ya’ll have to say! Are you a liberal? Please feel free to correct me, are you a conservative? Tell me your thoughts about militant liberals…. Let it RIP!!”


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