I met Christine Jahnke, the author of The Well-Spoken Woman at the WiLL/WAND “Women at the Table of Power” conference in D.C. several week ago and HIGHLY RECOMMEND her new book.
Written just for women who take leadership seriously, Christine’s new manual is what every woman speaker should memorize. Dedicated to “Madam President” (whoever she shall be), Christine has worked as an advisor to Hilllary Clinton’s presidential campaign and most recently taught Michelle Obama how to use a teleprompter for her Olympics presentation.
I was so impressed with her tips at the conference that I was first in line to purchase her book and read most of it on the flight home. Now I’m rereading it with a highlighter!
Whether you’re a candidate or not, you will be speaking at some time – in class, your board meeting or in front of a jury. Please order this right away so you’ll be prepared to look, sound your absolute best and be taken seriously. It’s much more economical than hiring Christine in person yourself….although I’m truly considering it.