We are working closely with the medical community in St. Louis helping to make and supply local surgeon-designed masks for healthcare workers on the front line.
These specific masks have been designed & hospital tested (re materials and sterilization) to be used with a replaceable filter material that simulates the filtering performance of an N95 respiratory mask, once N95 masks become unavailable.
We are working around the clock aiding the Greater St. Louis Area One Million Mask Project –WE NEED YOUR HELP.
NEEDED: sewers, fabric cutters, runners and donations of fabric along with financial support (to purchase supplies).
SURGEON DESIGNED MASK DIRECTIONS HERE (please use 100% woven cotton and bias tape – both tested for sterilization properties and glove use)
SURGEON DESIGNED MASK TEMPLATE HERE (please use the man/woman size)
We know there are many mask designs in circulation but we strongly encourage you to use THIS SPECIFIC TESTED mask for our project, designed to be used with a medically approved filter for healthcare workers. Thank you.
Never in a million years did we expect to be faced with an emergency humanitarian crisis like this.
We are thinking of all of you and urging you to follow accredited public health recommendations to STAY HOME, if at all possible. We thank those from the bottom of our hearts who are on the frontlines – healthcare and grocery workers, and all those who keep everything we depend on to run smoothly and safely.
We also urge to be very careful where you find your information. Disturbingly, it’s not coming from the White House, EXCEPT for Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director (who has advised six presidents).
Please make sure your information is coming from reliable news sources, not posts without sources. Sad to say, one vital way we can protect each other is to ONLY trust credible sources.
As always, we are on the BOTTOM of the list – and reliant on mayors/county executives/local health officials to be our real leaders. Even as Missouri recorded our first Covid-19 fatality yesterday, our governor refuses to lead. To date Governor Mike Parson:
Has refused to close Missouri schools (unlike Kansas and numerous other governors) “…to me it was the obligation to leave that to the local levels to decide how they would manage that.”
Has refused to close restaurants or bars and said Tuesday evening he “strongly suggests” alternative ways to do business, “an obligation of business”.
Said on KMOX: “It’s not going to come down to government to be able to fix this. It’s just gonna come to… It’s a virus, it’s a virus like anything else.”
Announced Tuesday evening that all Missouri casinos would be closed but not anything else.
On Wednesday, he again said it was up to each one of us to keep ourselves safe: “It is going to go back to personal responsibility.”
Used the pandemic to post a campaign ad designed to recruit cell numbers.
Yesterday the GOP-controlled Missouri House debated a supplemental budget bill but failed to accept any Democratic emergency amendments.
Democrats proposed moving funds from other sources to assist local health departments, provide compensation to hourly employees impacted by the virus, and increase the number of available masks and other personal protection equipment.
Rep. Kathy Swan (R-Cape Girardeau, who has a BSN in nursing) said during debate, “I’m a little tired of the doomsday discussion here.” Democrats were aghast.
This unprecedented pandemic has disrupted almost all the systems that we depend on for everything. Missouri STILL doesn’t have enough tests for those who need one and hospitals & doctors are exasperated. This should NOT be a partisan issue.
It’s uncertain and uncharted territory for all of us as we insist the governor just do his job.
Our mayors/county executives cannot do this alone. Medical workers insist on much needed life saving supplies/ assistance while people need economic help right now.
Contact Missouri Governor Mike Parson – 573. 751.3222
We promise we will remain vigilant as the pandemic numbers increase.
To get through this scary uncertainty, we must rely on each other and make sure we, as well as our voting rights, are protected.
By executive order, Gov. Parson has moved April municipal elections to June 2, 2020. It’s a strong reminder the only way to remove this dangerous governor and others is via the November general & presidential ballot. .
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I have faith in us.
This is our time to do everything we can to protect & care for each other. We are resilient and have been through horrible times before.
I urge you to be smart, be vigilant while refusing to be silent.