It’s that time of year.
Primary elections (Tuesday in Missouri), back to school/college pencils & books & stuff, last minute holidays, readying for 2015 legislative sessions and of course, this year – campaigns and campaigns and campaigns.
ProgressWomen is keeping up with all of this – with our own new stuff.
A new look – yes, we like to revamp just like you do. We say goodbye to our fabulous co-director, Emily Spangler as she moves on to other adventures in high school. We say hello to more guest editors – after they’re done lollygagging around with their summer – we know who you are and what you’re doing…
We’re gearing up because YOU KNOW what’s coming just around the corner —-PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 2016. You know WHO we’re talking about.
Yes, yes – we’ve got a lot on our plate with rampant anti-women candidates and the GOP/ALEC anti-women agenda in states and in Congress.
So finish up with your lazy ways, those of you who are NOT working diligently on races around the country. There’s only a few more weeks left of 2014 primary elections. Then it’s on to the General Election on November 4th – our national political holiday of sorts.
Then it’s wide open season on women as every elected everywhere gets down to business in January.
Hope you like our new stuff.
Hope you’re stocking up on your Wheaties and getting ready for what’s coming.
Stacey Newman – Missouri State Representative (just one of the hats I wear)