MO Rep. Gatschenberger testified before the House Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities on his anti-abortion bill Tuesday, which was captured on video.
In doing so, he sounded every bit as tone deaf about the psychological difficulties that women face when considering abortion as one might expect from an old man in power deciding what’s best for women.
- MSNBC Video – Politics Nation w/ Al Sharpton: Video
- MSNBC (online story): Missouri GOPer likens abortion to car sales: It requires time, info
- Pitch: Missouri House representative thinks getting an abortion is like kicking the tires on a new car
- Political Wire: Lawmaker Compares Abortion to Buying a Car
- Huffington Post: GOP Lawmaker Compares Abortion To Buying A Car
- UPI: Mo. lawmaker compares getting abortion to buying carpeting
- Mother Jones: GOP Lawmaker Compares Getting Abortion to Buying a Car and Picking Carpeting
- ThinkProgress: Missouri Lawmaker Compares Choosing An Abortion To Buying A Car, Installing Carpeting
- Cosmopolitan Magazine: GOP Lawmaker Compares Deciding Whether to Get an Abortion to Shopping for a Car
- Feministing: Missouri lawmaker compares getting an abortion to buying a new car or re-carpeting
- TalkingPointsMemo: Missouri GOPer Compares Abortion To Buying A Car, Picking Carpeting
- PoliticsUSA: Did A Missouri Republican Really Compare Abortion To Buying A Car Or Carpeting? Yes!
- Daily Beast: Mo. Rep.: An Abortion Is a Big Choice, Like Buying a Car or Carpeting
- Salon: Missouri Republican: Having an abortion is a lot like buying a car or putting down new carpeting