“History Made” – Now It’s Up to Us


Earlier this week a progressive woman achieved something never ever done before. In case you missed it, Hillary Clinton clinched the nomination by a major party for president.

A few hours before the expected achievement she launched a powerful new video, “History Made” – WATCH HERE.  One of the exciting parts is the voice of a young current day suffragette, my North Carolina activist friend, 14 year old Madison Kimrey.  She received the news the day before that her parts of her voting rights speeches would be included with others including Shirley Chisholm, Gloria Steinem, Coretta Scott King, Rosa Parks, Ann Richards and more.  Can you even imagine being included with these powerhouses?  In the middle of final exams, term papers and trying to finish up your school year?  I am SO PROUD of Madison!


Hillary Clinton is not the first woman to run for president.

Victoria Woodhull ran in 1872 from the Equal Rights Party, supporting women’s suffrage and equal rights, even though women could not yet legally vote and she was only 34 years old.  Her platform included “free love”, the freedom to marry, divorce and bear children without government interference = our kind of gal!

Two women have won vice-presidential nominations of major parties – Geraldine Farraro in 1984 and Sarah Palin in 2008.

To date (1 more primary left), Hillary Clinton has 15.8 million actual votes for president and 2784 pledged delegates (2383 needed to win). This week President Obama and Sen. Elizabeth Warren gave her their full endorsement.  Glass ceiling broken…ready for full smashing.

It’s completely up to US to defeat “a racist bully & loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud” (Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s words).  

We women generally vote 20% more than men do.  However, in this election, we women could set an all time record – could be the largest gender gap in over 60 years.

We have the most at stake.  We have the most to lose. This is serious stuff, womenfolk.


Speaking today at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund event in D.C., Hillary Clinton said:



She said this:








First Lady Hillary Clinton meeting privately with Josh Stepakoff, a 6 year old shot by in the 1999 Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting, and his family. Josh is now a recent college graduate and works closely with the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. 

Read this powerful piece by 4 women survivors and activists around the country (now good friends) – each impacted by Hillary Clinton and gun violence – HERE.



She’s for MORE voting access, not less = HERE.

Access to the ballot is UNDER THREAT right here in Missouri – with a constitutional amendment on our November 8th ballot allowing for “Photo ID” (ruled unconstitutional in 2006 & a form of “poll tax” by the Missouri Supreme Court).

Stay tuned as a statewide voting rights coalition gears up to fight the ultimate VOTER SUPPRESSION so the GOP can try to shrink the electorate. We will NEED your help. Stay by your phone.


This disclaimer by the editors on every Huffington Post Donald Trump feature should tell you everything you need to know:


149 days until November 8th.  We have to get through the GOP (July18-21 in Cleveland) and the DEM (July 25-28 in Philadelphia) conventions when both parties officially nominate their presidential candidates before the General Election kicks off with full force.

What can you do RIGHT NOW… if you… like ProgressWomen & Sen. Warren, CANNOT handle the thought of a Trump presidency, a Trump Supreme Court, a Trump Congress?

 1) You AND Every Single member of your family over the age of 18 MUST be registered to vote (deadline to vote in Missouri’s General Election = October 12th).

2) Going to be out of town November 8th?  Have college kids away from home in November?  Tape this to the refrigerator NOW – Missouri Absentee Ballot Directions

3) Forward this to EVERY friend you have who cares about: reproductive justice, gun violence prevention, voters rights, equality rights, pay equity, family medical leave, minimum wage, labor protections, childcare….

4) Refer to us your friends who care about….see #3 above. You have friends, we know you do.  


ProgressWomen began as a project December 2014 through my office after women kept asking me “What can I do to get involved?”  We are now a collective of over 3000 women statewide who are sick and tired of the attacks on women/children/families in Missouri = www.progresswomen.com.

Please open up your address book & refer to us every progressive woman you know.  Follow us on Twitter @ProgressWomen16 & friend us on Facebook @ProgressWomen16.

You in?

Missouri State Rep. Stacey Newman, Director/Founder of ProgressWomen 

Stacey.Newman@house.mo.gov – 573.751.0100 Capital office


© 2016 ProgressWomen. All rights reserved.