Glad YOUR morals are making decision re OUR bodies, Roy & John INJECTING MORALS INTO WOMEN’S WOMBS The revision still isn’t good enough for some organizations, including the Catholic Church, who has announced plans to oppose the new policy. U.S. Senators Mark Rubio (FL) and Joe Manchin (WV) have also drafted… Continue Reading

Abortion Rights and Religious Advocates Clash in State Capitol

Mark Hodges, KMOX Capitol Bureau –  February 14, 2012 8:26 AM L.R. State Sen. Jolie Justus, Rep. Sharon Pace, Rep. Tishaura Jones, Rep. Mike Colona, Michelle Trupianno with Planned Parenthood, Rep. Stacey Newman, Rep. Scott Sifton, Rep. Jill Schupp, Rep.… Continue Reading