Via MsRepresentation – You should know these things!

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Via MsRepresentation this week with a few extra comments by ProgressWomen – you know we have a hard time being quiet…

Congrats to Katherine Clark —ProgressWomen is ALL for electing more Democratic Women!  (Did you hear us cheering the loudest this week?)

This week marked a big win for Katherine Clark, who surged ahead of the pack in MA-05’s Democratic primary. Since she’s heavily favored to win on December 10th, it looks like Massachusetts could send another woman to Congress soon!

I’ve Got That Shutdown Sadness
The government shutdown seriously sucks – especially if you’re a woman. From domestic violence shelters losing access to funding, to college sexual assault investigations being put on hold, women are some of the shutdown’s biggest targets.

Conscience Flaws —YES, Paul Ryan STILL Wants to Restrict Birth Control…(Did he forget he has a daughter?)
Wondering what Paul Ryan’s been up to since the election? Me neither. But he’s back in the news for pushing for the shutdown to continue. Why? So the GOP can keep trying to add a “conscience clause” to the ACA, allowing employers to reject birth control coverage for employees.

Bravo, Brown
We wish we all could be California girls…’cause then our politicians would actually expand our reproductive rights instead of perpetually trying to restrict them. Governor Jerry Brown just approved two laws that will increase women’s access to safe, legal abortions in the state.

Alas, for every Governor Brown, there’s a Governor John Kasich. Kasich has turned Ohio into a “laboratory” for pushing the limits of abortion law – and women’s bodies are the test subjects.

Third Time’s the Harm
Colorado anti-choice activists just don’t know how to take a hint, do they? Even though their last two personhood bills have been nothing short of epic fails, they’ve gone ahead and put a personhood measure on the next state ballot anyways.

New Mexico, New Tactics
If they’re not getting smarter, they’re certainly getting sneakier. Albuquerque anti-choice groups are rolling out a new, local strategy, attempting to pass the first city-level abortion ban in the country through next month’s special election.

Twitter’s Top Twit
When your company is criticized for having an all-male board, it’s probably time to take a good, hard look at yourself and start making some changes. Or, you could be Twitter CEO Dick Costolo and just insult your critics instead. #ThingsThatMakeMeAngryAtLife

Prime Pick
Being a world famous education activist, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and leaving Jon Stewart speechless just don’t cut it these days – not if you’re Malala Yousafzai. Malala’s got her eye on an even bigger dream: To be Pakistan’s Prime Minister one day.

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